Getting Started
First, learn more about our resources by visiting the About the IBRC page. Contact the Research Coordinator for even more details.
Still interested in running your study at the IBRC? Follow the steps below to get started!
Studies Typically Conducted at the IBRC:
- Are able to pay participants a minimum of $14-16 per hour in the form of cash or Amazon gift cards
- Are related to social and behavioral research
- Involve limited pre-screening and exclusion criteria
- Involve only minimal risk (e.g., surveys, behavioral tasks). Studies that involve more medical procedures (like fMRIs) are typically not suited for our participant pool
- Involve our participant pool in-person at the IBRC lab space or online through our Behavioral Research SONA System. (Exceptions must be first approved by the IBRC Director.
- Reach out to the IBRC Research Coordinator to express your interest in IBRC resources.
2. You will have an opportunity to schedule a tour of the space or a tutorial on the SONA participant pool.
3. We will ensure whether your study is appropriate for our community participant pool and provide you with feedback on the specific text to include in your IRB.
4. We will also begin the process of reserving space and equipment for your study.
Studies run at the Interdisciplinary Behavioral Research Center must be IRB-approved prior to running of study sessions. This means researchers must have received an approval email either from the Duke Campus IRB office or from the DUHS IRB office. Please review your respective IRB office’s website to ensure you have all of the materials and forms necessary for IRB approval.
- Read the Guidelines for Facilities and Resources. Learn our most basic policies and procedures.
- Forward a copy of your approved IRB Protocol and IRB Approval email to the research coordinator.
- If you are interested in utilizing additional IBRC resources please let us know at this time (e.g. IBRC mini-grant funds, the Duke Behavioral Research participant pool, laptops, etc.)
- Complete this brief Pre-Study Form. When your study is finished, you will be asked to fill out a Post-Study Form.
7. Make sure that all research assistants have the proper training. As required by Duke all researchers must complete the CITI training: History and Ethical Principles. See the Duke Office of Research Support website for more information. All undergraduate research assistants at the IBRC must complete this brief IBRC Research Assistant Training module