If you do not have access to a computer you can also Download the SONA app on your smartphone device.
Steps to Sign Up as a Participant
Sign up for our participant pool here. Click “Request Account” and
complete the required account information form to create an account. *You must have a current email address that you have access to. -
Your account will be approved within 3 business days, and then you will receive login instructions.
Note: You will need to submit proof of identity and DOB via email in order for your account to be approved. - You will receive an email from Duke Behavioral Research with the login name you chose and a random password generated by the system. Use this information to log in.
Once you log into your account, you will read and review our privacy policy and complete a brief survey, called a “pre-screen,” about yourself.
Note: Although the pre-screen is optional, you may not be able to see al the studies you are eligible for if you do not complete it. -
Once you have submitted your prescreen, click “Studies” to see the studies that you qualify to participate in that are running at the lab. Then, sign up for a timeslot and come to the lab!
Things to Remember:
Researchers at the IBRC design studies for different groups (students vs. non-students, females vs. males, specific age ranges, etc.).
When you log in, you may not see the same studies that someone else sees, and that’s okay! The system is designed to only show you the studies in which you can participate.
Every study at the IBRC is different. Make sure you READ STUDY DESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY and feel free to contact researchers directly (researcher contact information can be found under the “Study Information” tab) if you have specific questions.
Most studies take place at the IBRC, but studies may also be located at Fuqua B-Lab, Fuqua Social Cognition Lab, Levine Science Research Center, and the Social-Psychology Building on Duke’s West Campus and online.