If you plan to use the IBRC and its resources, here is some useful text to include in your grants, proposals, or papers.
After it has been finalized that your study will be run using the IBRC, there are a few sections in the IRB that call for mention of the IBRC. Note that this text answers questions found in the request for protocol form for the Campus IRB but can be adapted for IRB amendments and protocols requested through the DUHS IRB.
- Recruitment
- Risks of Harm
- Compensation: This text is useful for researchers who use the IBRC mini grant.
- Confidentiality: This text applies only to researchers who plan to use electronic Amazon gift cards as their form of compensation.
Contact IBRC director for helpful text on how to describe the IBRC resources for your grant application.
Duke asks that researchers who use IBRC resources acknowledge IBRC’s assistance in papers and articles that report the results. For example, the acknowledgment might use language such as “This research was facilitated by use of the labs at the Duke Interdisciplinary Behavioral Research Center,” or “The
authors acknowledge the assistance of the Duke Interdisciplinary Behavioral Research Center.”